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07/29/14 5:26 PM

#172164 RE: #172162

What dilution are u talking about? They are raising a/s to cover preferred shares and to have extra shares down the road for celebs. All they are doin is raising the a/s not o/s


07/29/14 5:28 PM

#172165 RE: #172162

Dilution has been addressed ad nauseum here several times.

NONE in recent months. There aren't any free shares to dump. There will be on July 31, but there hasn't been to date.

That being said, it was promised that the shares eligible after July 31 would be for endorsements and partnerships. What you choose to believe there is your business.


07/29/14 5:32 PM

#172170 RE: #172162

Also weird that ur complaining about mine dilution when ste* just got done diluting a sh*t ton