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07/29/14 5:24 PM

#53360 RE: jotuk6771 #53359

Got this email today as well:

July 28, 2014

Dear Xxxxxxx

During our June 26th First Liberty Power webinar, it was stated that within a week, the Company would post updated FLPC property maps and related geological data on our website.

We would like to apologize for the delay in that time line. Family and health issues among the First Liberty Power Management Team has impeded such updates. We are focused on posting the promised items as soon as possible.

We will continue to update you on all First Liberty Power advancements through our Pathways of Progress announcements.

Thank you, as always, for your interest and support of First Liberty Power.

The First Liberty Power Management Team.

For questions or additional information please contact

Bob Reynolds
FLPC - VP Management & Administration


07/29/14 6:25 PM

#53364 RE: jotuk6771 #53359

So, you buying shares at a low price is okay but another investor who throws up a large sell order and repurchases that and more is somehow not a supporter of FLPC? I would say quite the opposite...this is the stock market the last time I looked and further I submit no one has devalued this companies share value greater than FLPC has. Anyone who buys this stock much less any investor who reinvest shares they could have otherwise sold and walked off is still contributing...we added several million shares today so I call that a good day!


07/29/14 6:34 PM

#53366 RE: jotuk6771 #53359

Oh and in case you seriously are confused as to who the geniuses are that conspire with the converters to drive down the share value...that would be need to thank me, glad I could clarify that for you.