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07/29/14 8:46 PM

#75330 RE: norcalgold #75303

Perhaps the theory that the source of the black channel nuggets is local vein gold indeed fact. That this bigger gold didn't travel far.

One thing you are not considering is that the process of making a black channel reconstitutes the gold.

Just as an example you could have gold dust that has traveled a long way from its source and collected in a low point. When the volcano goes off the lava follows the same path as the water. It also collects in those low points and melt the gold powder into blobs that collect together because of density.

These black channel blobs are normally stolen by a white channel when the water cuts through the low point once again and it begins to break up.

In this sense a black channel IS a source. The gold that Best had was found on the bedrock of a low point in a river AND in the actual bedrock. When the lava collected and filled it the blobs were created. It is not a common occurrence.

The bench on the north and south of a channel will never have the same amount of gold though. Gold collects on the inside of curves if that inside in on the south it will yield much more than the north bench.
The question is not really if there is gold in the benches. It is which side of the river was the bench on when it comes to a curve.

IMO the PR is a good reason to pull a profit if they don't just dilute into it (which they probably will) But the PR didn't really say much. We know there are benches. It shouldn't come as a surprise that there is a bench on the south side when you know there was one on the north side.
The black channel raise still not complete and it doesn't sound like it is going to be done any time soon either.

A whole 7 ounces of gold from everything they have done is also not the most promising of info either.

2 ounces of specimen gold is nice but I think their opinion of what "specimen" and what mine is are 2 different things. I would consider 2 ounces "specimen gold" if it was in 3 pieces or less. The pieces they have are all less than .5 ounces with most to .1 or smaller.

All in all an OK PR for flipping but not really much in the way of reassurance that they will ever turn a profit.