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07/29/14 9:24 PM

#51483 RE: aries4747 #51465

More NXHD financials! EOD Q shows $1 million in revenue for the First Quarter, NET income of $917,213. Financials also show .02 earning per common share. Not bad for a stock currently priced at less than a penny.

Yesterday's call to TA confirms OS still 45 million. Float 38 million.

Financials link:

CEO tweeted they'd be current by the end of the week.

And the Slide the City™ Youtube video is picking up steam, too. 70K hits in a week. Keep in mind, the July 19 debut of the giant slip 'n slide won't be included in any revenue figures until the Third Quarter. Salt Lake City was a trial run, so they kept tickets to a 3,000 limit. They sold them all, for about an average of $30 apiece. Around $90K raked in for one day of work.