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07/29/14 11:09 AM

#177824 RE: moviesam #177823

I'm not buying it either, since when does Home Depot rent bucket trucks ?

These are harmless blog/ facebook postS that mean nothing at all.

I guess if they rented state of the art equipment ( that we all know they couldn't afford to buy ) to take the pics that would be acceptable ?

Hardly.....what you see is honesty, period. And what you don't see is a company trying to " fool " anyone.

And this...

They post these pictures but not a single shot from the set of the movie that apparently has over 20 hours already shot and transferred to 4K ?

It could be explained with one call to the CEO.....


07/29/14 11:12 AM

#177825 RE: moviesam #177823


They must be doing all of this to keep you hot off their trail.