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07/29/14 11:05 AM

#2547 RE: Getitgogone #2545

As far as I can see the report that OMEX put out this morning,without ever mentioning the Meson Mobsters discounts everything they stated.

I think shareholders appreciate the update and the fact that they aren't mentioning the Meson Mobsters at all shows they have the upper hand.

I'd like to see charges filed against the Meson Mobsters even though likely not enforceable for putting out misleading and distorted and untruthful information in an attempt to profit from their ruthless tactics.

Everyone has a right to an opinion but somewhere amidst all the crappola I suspect they did cross the line of what would be allowable disinformation.

The Meson Capital thugs need to be reigned in........but I'm sure the leader of the gang will counter the report this mroning with some more bulllloney because his ego just won't be able to withstand the urge.

I'm thinking at some point there will come a death blow to the Meson Mobsters strategy.

Sure wish I could buy it intuition, a hunch or over 7 years of due diligence and observation on Odyssey that tells me something is cooking in the kitchen and we're gonna be back over 3.00 a share before fall.......Meson thugs be damned !!!!