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07/29/14 10:51 AM

#110871 RE: Mediman420 #110870

What else can they say,,Dabney is just trying to stay out of prison ,there is no other news they can share !!!
They ran endo into the ground with false news releases like they did Cbis oh sure they all personally have millions of dollars from running this scam and they I'm sure somehow think that is different from guys who pistol whip clerks in gas stations for ciggies and a few bucks ,now they are desperately trying to avoid lawsuits so they keep the lie going with false news and clapping cheering and applauding others...the bogat family trust should be seized from Raymond c Dabney ,Kane and he initially should be charged with hundreds perhaps thousands of stock fraud counts and the clowns who are helping them keep this scam going should be investigated...California...Colorado..Arizona..Canada...Europe...20,000,000 doses ready for market all apparently lies to dupe investors out of their hard earned money