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07/29/14 12:50 PM

#84762 RE: Gman3343 #84708

The MRIB AS is 700 million shares. It is all in the filings. email or call the company if you do not believe me! TA has always got that part wrong since the reduction last fall. However if you ask them to check again and tell them they reduced it to 700 million last fall then they check the filings and get the correct AS. NTW not that it matters but I have been in penny stocks with billions of shares that ran over .50 and a dollar.

1 billion os is way to much. This stock will never see a dollar with 1 billion os.
Heck we will be lucky to see .20 with 1 billion os.
I am highly dissappointed in all the dilution.
All they had to do was get a private investor to help financially and give the investor a cut, instead they diluted their shares over and over again.
I am getting out as soon as this dog gets me even.
Where are the contracts, oh thats right we havent heard anything again.