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07/29/14 9:56 AM

#5113 RE: Bale out #5112

Bale out...PR of June 24 indicates the card is being offered (marketed) to banks in Europe and tells us we are close to a manufacturing deal.

As for patience...I, too, would like more information about the card, litigation and anything else regarding the company. I am part of those who are frustrated with the lack of info and slow progress of the card's release and litigation progress. BUT, I do believe many of the frustrations are being dealt with by Chaya and the Board of SMME and trust all will come to a good and successful end for all of us.

I am in my "wish I could retire" years--age 62 nearing 63. IF SMME does well, I will be able to retire. If it does not then I'm looking at dying on one of my TWO jobs that I am currently working. I work 7 days a week and my wife and I rarely have the opportunity to "date". You want to talk about frustration!!! The young among us (SMME shareholders) have the time and opportunity to overcome any disappointment SMME may face. I, on the other hand, and those among us who are tiring and wearing down, do not.

If anyone should be shouting "frustration" it would be the latter.

I trust Chaya is doing what needs to be done. I believe that in the weeks ahead we on this message board we will ALL be posting different comments with a different attitude.