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07/29/14 11:00 AM

#200170 RE: Serenity #200115

I think the most disgusting part of Eric's email was how it was all about HIM,HIS feelings, and how HE was hurt. There was not a word in it about how sorry HE was that so many shareholders got hurt because they believed in him and his promises. Or how sorry HE was about all the money shareholders lost.
Everyone goes into these penny stocks knowing there was a risk but if Eric made behind the scene deals with shareholders and he has not kept his side of the agreement he sure doesn't seem to have any regrets or shame over it. What about the comments & blogs he made to all shareholders about the RS,upgrades, and what would happen after the RS?
He has no regrets about anything he has done, who has been hurt, and he would do it all over again. Go Eric, I feel so bad you feel hurt.