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Dante Fantasia

07/28/14 2:34 PM

#117855 RE: richme #117851

One thing Nasrat has done, without question is put his money where his mouth is at. Sorry, but if you think a delay on a biotech project is uncommon, or means negative news is in the works, it just shows you are unfamiliar with how things work in this sector. Last financials and CC Nasrat quietly made the debt and the "ongoing concern" go "poof" and disappear. Do you realize how significant in itself that was or do you judge the significance of how important a companies strategic move is just based on sp action alone?

As far as the actual delay on the Isradapine, you sent me a pm, and I explained to you in detail what I was told was going on, and it was far from "bad" so please don't toss out a red-herring.

Lot's of good things just simmering below the surface. But if you're looking for a quick 100-500% pop in one day, just take your money, head to Vegas, and get hot. If you want to see a lot more, than fill your pockets at this level, take a Valium, and learn some patience. There are going to be a lot of rich people on this board, and it ain't going to be just their moniker.