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07/28/14 5:53 PM

#218 RE: VelocityShift #217

it's totally have never seen an IPO go below the opening price of the happens all the time

I just put in a bid for under 30 cents today..on the CSE..for CAN...i am in Canada...and i like this company..but the stock whenit came out and after was WAY OVER VALUED

now it is around where the pps belongs

all they have so far is a glaucoma phase 1 drug...

no CBD, no THC pain meds , not even close to what GW has

now if they release more products yes this will go up...but now it belongs where it is


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Warren Bo Ba Buffett

07/30/14 3:32 AM

#224 RE: VelocityShift #217

I have seen it before, and will see it again I am sure - for example Tweed dropped the hell off when they came fresh out the box. Hype and timing is a big part the sector as a whole is still getting a foothold and expanding. Developing into investments that will benefit shareholders over time. It should be noted that a lot of big money is on vacation and when fall comes there is a lot more interest in stocks over all.

In my opinion this stock, one of my many MMJ stocks has my trust and focus more than others because I believe in the company first. Fast money = fast loses as well, tit for tat and timing and DD is your greatest tool to bump the odds. After all people can say what they want but stocks are a gamble plain and simple in an emerging sector.
There were quite a few halts for big tickers over the past few months and I know that spooked some people for sure.
Over all I am happy thus far got in got out and left some in took some out just paid attention.
The price now is a great spot to get in - if all some one looks at is the past month they might be sceptical if you look at the long term goal and apply the over all progress of the sector as a whole Cannabis Technologies agenda and focus speaks for itself.

I am very confident in this company and quite frankly believe they will do what they say they will - so the rest is in the hands of time.