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07/28/14 6:42 PM

#5863 RE: Will37 #5860

Thanks, Will37. Your post prompted me to do a retro search for info about the unfulfilled OR deal. It wasn't that the State reneged, their DD determined that the venture was too risky.

“The department conducted due diligence and found the company failed to show it met the requirements of House Bill 3619,” he said. “It recommended we not approve” the credits, “and we concurred with the findings” based on financial viability and prospects for long-term success.

The State Reps were responsible in looking out for their tax payers, that they didn't get stuck with a raw deal; wise, prudent and responsible decision makers, imho. So here we (XSNX) are 5 years later and still no tangible product that can be confirmed. Fwiw, I do admire you steadfast positive conviction for the company and I hope that it pays off. I don't expect to ever personally recover from this specific play. Be that as it may, GLTALs.