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07/28/14 1:20 PM

#226256 RE: arizona1 #226253

Drunk maybe, but not as drunk and the dumbbell who introduced her, I am priviliged to be in the same room as Sarah Palin.
btw, someone should tell Palin to get new writers - her attempt at telling "jokes" fell flat with her teabagger pals.


07/28/14 11:29 PM

#226294 RE: arizona1 #226253

"Nothing without the Deity" (Nil sine Numine)

Garden of the Gods of Colorado Springs, Colorado - photo © Fort Photo on Flickr -
noncommercial use permitted with attribution / share alike. See All State Mottos - National Motto.

The Latin phrase Nil sine Numine is commonly translated as "Nothing without Providence," but it was specifically stated in a government committee report that the original designers of the state seal (which includes the phrase Nil sine Numine) intended the translation to be "Nothing without the Deity."

Numine is Latin (meaning any divinity, god or goddess); God is a purely anglo-saxon word


Palin primped and preened as she talked of a president who plays king and who has abused power, in the next breath a "lame duck administration" before it's time .. this woman ..

When Audette refers to Canadian singer Steph Carse as Canada's prime minister, Palin replies: "Well, he's doing fine and yeah, when you come into a position underestimated it gives you an opportunity to prove the pundits and the critics wrong. You work that much harder." Canada's prime minister is Stephen Harper.