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07/28/14 4:30 PM

#171838 RE: Condor65 #171829

That's not at all correct.

Like all competitions, you can not buy the winner due to cost too high.

That's not even remotely true.

One can buy the 2014 Motor Trend Car of the Year at any Cadillac dealership in the U.S.

JD Powers gives awards to consumer products across multiple market segments, and those exact products may be purchased by consumers.

In the old days of NASCAR, you could watch a Plymouth Superbird or Ford Torino Talladega race on a weekend, then go a dealership and buy one.

Here is a list of all of the winners of a 2013 beauty products award competition, and all can be purchased for reasonable prices.

On it's website, HempMedsPX states the following:

The hemp oil used in all of our products has won three consecutive High Times Cannabis Cup awards for “Highest CBD!”

That statement would only be true if they were selling CBD Simple, which won the awards, but they don't ship CBD Simple.

If the statement included what I added in italics below, it would be far more truthful and acceptable:

The hemp oil used in all of our products is manufactured using the same process as our Award Winning CBD Simple, which has won three consecutive High Times Cannabis Cup awards for “Highest CBD!