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The Night Stalker

07/28/14 12:10 PM

#10685 RE: andyshow #10683

much bigger run in the making this time around. some dilution in the way for now

Dragon Lady

07/28/14 12:44 PM

#10686 RE: andyshow #10683

WHY would a "phase 1" even matter, when their key phase II/III trial(s) plural have gone NOWHERE in 5 yrs now? Why? Why, if this "tech" is the "cat's meow" and the "world leader" and all, as claimed, why did Marvel and Regen "stall out" back in 2009? Why?

Who cares about a phase I when you can't even advance your most sophisticated trials, the ones that were being 100% run inside the U.S. to the highest FDA standards- why did no one "finance" them any further? Why?

They used paid promotion and "other" penny stock promotion during that period which ran it to .08 and then .06 afterward, and remember, it was cut essentially in-half within a day or two of reaching .08, a classic penny p&d.

If they couldn't get "financing" (as in big, non dilutive, non convertible debt, non dump shares by the 100's of millions) "financing" when the stock was at .50 or .30 or .20 or even at .10, then why, why now at .026 or so, with a Dec 2013 low of 6/10th of ONE CENT, why now is some supposed "big financier" going to step up to the plate and buy in- at the same time all the insiders are dumping out of their debt holdings (debt is always "senior" to common shares in the event of BK or "other" financial troubles) - why when the insiders, long term insiders, don't want to hold debt in this company, why is some "new person/entity" supposedly going to want to?

What was the stock price when Tomas took over as CEO, top dog? Way, way higher than now (like .50 cents I think, I'd have to recheck a chart and his CEO date)- yet there's never been a single "big financing" deal produced or a "restarting" of their phase II/III trials that stalled out. Never happened.

Lets say they blew the entire 2 BILLION shares, the most they'd get IMO is probably about 1 cent a piece, as that's the terms that everyone else appears to be getting right now for providing small amounts of cash to this company. So, 2 BILLION at 1 penny would get them $20 million? But who is going to take on 2 BILLION shares in exchange for $20 million dollars (remember the ole Northstar PR that they were going to "raise" $20 million in a private placement- never happened and how long ago was that?). Personally, I'd guess the most someone would pay for 2 BILLION shares, for that risk, might be sub one cent, which is the pricing some have already gotten for some recent share deals. You do the math on some recent transaction and they've been at like 9/10th or 8/10ths of a cent. ASHER and their ilk do even better than that with their "reset" and "conversion formula", so why would some sophisticated, wealthy firm or individual accept lesser terms than what someone else recently got? Why?

Lets say the person got the 2 BILLION shares and wanted/needed to unload them- how long would it take at the volume this stock trades at? Even on huge days, it does like 6 million shares, then goes back to weeks/months of less than a million shares. It could take years and years of selling for someone to say, unload 2 billion shares at even 1.5 to 2 cents to make a little return on their money. Of all the places they could park $20 million, they're gonna take on 2 BILLION penny shares?

No way, IMO. Don't see it happening. It hasn't happened since 2009 and I don't see a single reason now, when the stock is even lower and the dilution mega higher, for it to happen now? Not seeing it?