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07/28/14 10:14 AM

#5351 RE: james885 #5350

I recall that it was in up to 30K stores at one time but here was the problem. They got it into stores but Private Label the Manufacture they have the legal case against never could keep up or supply reorders and the wheels all came off so I think those numbers would be right but they never were able to fill reorders etc. The key is Private Label damaged the company big time from their shipments to Australia to Canada and the USA. The Hangover Shot exploded but the manufacture just screwed it all up by not being able to handle the production large runs and refilling orders. They then basically instead of trying to screw up the market stop and move production to Michigan to the old 5hr plant but then that company also went under, I think they maybe ran one or two productions runs and the Michigan plant went down and they then took all the time finding and putting together the deal with United one. Michigan plant got in a war with the city over waste water from the plant and they were forced to close. What we didn't know is they were working all that year with their beverage scientist to make this new Energy Product and the plan was to come back and release it and then build the hangover brand all over again since that is a real category and they proved it and sold 2 million in Hangover shots. So for people who are new this is what occurred.