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07/27/14 10:25 PM

#89 RE: Knowledge is King #88

This is hysterical -- I said, "LOL, I hate to "wizz" on your analytical skills but that makes zero sense whatsoever."

I stand by that statement. 100% fact is irrelevant to horrible analysis.


07/27/14 10:30 PM

#90 RE: Knowledge is King #88

If there were over 13,000 rat tails found in the hamburgers of a San Diego McDonald's franchise, then yes, the public will think twice before attending a McDonald's in Maine.

There's a negative public perception about what's going on at Comic-con and women who normally attend these things in skimpy clothing will not be.

Especially not young women whose parents won't let them. It's laughable to compare a one-time single incident at Burger King to WIDESPREAD vast groping across the entire spectrum of the female population at a comic-con.


07/27/14 10:32 PM

#91 RE: Knowledge is King #88

Watch the ticket sales plummet for WIZD. If you think you think the over 13,000 women who were groped was an anomaly to the level of a single Burger King having a single burger with a single rat's tail, then I have a $0.07 buyout to sell you.


07/28/14 7:12 PM

#92 RE: Knowledge is King #88

WiZD takes a dramatic nosedive. I guess the market figured out that 13,000 groped-by-geeks women at one comic con isn't exactly a strong selling point for future comic cons no matter who is running it.