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07/26/14 11:16 PM

#226169 RE: DesertDrifter #226164

if you really like irony, how about this? .. WE, the US supply the weapons and all killing machines to Israel. Israel Kills Palestinians. WE give money to the Palestinians also. WE also rebuild the Palestinian's homes and buildings etc.. as best as we can. Also the UN helps to rebuild .. and of course Saudi Arabia and a few others, I'll just bet that we are the biggest funders of the UN? does anyone know? I don't ... oh well, nothing like trying to avoid hearing about another piece of a slow but sure genocide going on.

by the way, Iran and Hezbollah were mad at Hamas . .'BEFORE' this episode .. due to the Syria mess, now that's rift is all healed .. just like bush healed the rift between Iran and Iraq ... now Israel has healed the rift between Iran and Hamas ... .. sheesh! we are dammed if we do and same if we don't!
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07/26/14 11:22 PM

#226170 RE: DesertDrifter #226164

The Israelis have become the hunters instead of the hunted. Reminds me of 'Lord of the Flies'.