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07/25/14 8:59 PM

#4133 RE: subslover #4129

Speculative, always! From a time frame perspective most should benefit from this sector short-term. Long-term will be "proven" to make more than expected returns and pretty sure is a universal consensus. From a position perspective should benefit both short and long positions. But how about that word speculative? I would like to use the word "proven" re: fuel cell technology. Has it not been proven today that this market is now on it's feet and will start to make a run? I am an investor while most of my peers are day traders. And in all honesty, we do well but more than half of my peers lose out on huge returns because they have conditioned to settle for 30% to 60%, and sometimes up to 100% gains which most of us would say are great returns, right? But I myself never lose on the bigger picture. Scalping profits is great and all but usually miss out on the 300% to 500% returns. When my peers look back 1 to 2 years ago on those same securities that we all trade, they kick themselves and just say, damn! I can assure you they do well but you cannot compare the returns. I believe that is the difference between a day trader and a good investor. When you see those fuel cell ETF's hit the market, you will then see the reality of what I am trying to convey here.