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Tom Swift

07/24/14 9:00 PM

#23605 RE: grajekk #23604

This is all very interesting but a few questions come to mind:

• To run a steam engine the vapor has to be at relatively high pressure, within reasonable limits the efficiency will go up with pressure. This stuff appears to work when directly exposed to sunlight, so how are we going to make transparent tubes that can withstand the temperature and pressure of something like 150 psi steam while not being subject to damage from thermal expansion and shocks as the system warms and cools?

• If exposure to sunlight is necessary, we can’t put it in typical angled or vertical plate type solar collectors, the material appears to float and would thus be exposed to the sun only at the very top of the tube. This means we need a horizontal solar collector, which also means we can’t point it straight at the sun for maximum collection.

• Annnnd then there is the biggie. If the above two problems have reasonably achievable solutions, why would you want to connect a Cyclone WHE to the thing? Why not attach an engine that is inherently more efficient, reliable and better designed?