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Southern Gal

07/24/14 3:20 PM

#33138 RE: jrf30 #33137


Talk about putting the cart before the horse.

these numbers are not unreasonable

What's unreasonable, IMO, is the notion that without yet salvaging anything with a reported value, that hundreds of millions of dollars worth of salvage will be surfaced.


07/24/14 3:23 PM

#33139 RE: jrf30 #33137

You have it Right on my friend ..... you will find out soon enough how right you really are :))))$$$$$$$$$$$$


07/24/14 3:39 PM

#33145 RE: jrf30 #33137

Thanks for sharing, you are absolutely correct in your assumptions.


07/24/14 5:35 PM

#33167 RE: jrf30 #33137

I was giving some thought yesterday to how high this stock can truly go on good news. For my own use, for MY own thoughts of when to maybe sell some off, but it was an interesting result, so I'll share it here with the board.

My answer to where it can go?

MUCH higher than I originally was thinking. Putting pen and paper together has me thinking entirely different numbers.

The price at the time I did this was .022. The market cap was $19.3MM. If we find let's say $200MM in treasure (our cut) in the next (day/week/month) then what is the stock worth? Yes, this is predicated upon getting the permit AND finding treasure, but I am working on numbers given my large confidence that we DO find treasure. Where I should sell if things move forward in a positive way. Continuing on that answer. With $200MM in assets, the stock cap. should not be priced below that number, but a multiple OF that number. No growth stocks are at a book value ratio of 1. But working the numbers still. With $200MM in assets, our price with a market cap of only $200MM would be about $.23. If we are at 2 times [color=red][/color]book, which is LOW but might be where we cap out at first, that is about $0.46 per share. A market cap of $400MM with assets of $200MM. That would be priced pretty low and would still attract buyers IMHO, so I think that market cap could be reached AND held. Especially if that is after a little searching and there is still more to be found. So a market cap of $400MM is $0.46 per share.

What if we find twice that. Find $400MM in assets. Some say that is a low estimate for this shipwreck. But if we found that amount, could we be at $0.92 per share? Fundamentals say "yes" in my research. I'm just throwing thoughts out there. Numbers. No one knows what will be found, so these numbers need adjusting when more is known. But for now, my thoughts say I won't sell myself short on this stock if we start moving up on the PR of a permit. And I'm NOT going to sell out just because the stock goes up to maybe a dime or some other arbitrary number based on nothing. I want a price and a REASON for that price, so I crunched numbers. Granted, I don't think we are going to $6 like OMEX did, but that is because I am looking at market capitalization, not stock price, and we have more shares outstanding. But I can see a price above $0.50. And if the treasure is enough off this wreck, maybe a multiple of that.

And those are numbers I would NOT have spouted until I did this objective analysis (With subjective numbers of what will be "found".) These numbers sounded impossible to me, as I too was thinking that "10 cents is 5 TIMES 2 cents, and a HUGE gain." Now? I think that is too short of a measuring stick and not based on any objective numbers. Now these much higher numbers do NOT sound unrealistic to ME. Still need the permit AND to realize the wreck IS what we think it is, but if so, these numbers are not unreasonable. Not to ME at least. smile

Be Jesus Mary and Joseph!!

Are you crazy?

I am not a kid anymore, throwing around numbers like that!

Whew, Had to sit down


Southern Gal

07/24/14 5:49 PM

#33169 RE: jrf30 #33137


Find $400MM in assets. Some say that is a low estimate for this shipwreck..

and yet,

No one knows what will be found

Given the above, I find it premature to place any value on treasure that has yet to be salvaged; let alone values in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Paul Wall

07/28/14 6:56 PM

#33683 RE: jrf30 #33137

My exact thoughts. Nice post.