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#11212 RE: brentkosta #11209

The comparison between DKSC and M^^^ seems quite random - as you stated.

Then you look at all of the M^^^ prices BEFORE DECEMBER 16, 2013.

From July 2012, through December 16, 2013 ....... PRICES FOR M^^^ WERE EFFECTIVELY ZERO ....... and THE VOLUME WAS LOW !

Then something happened between December 16, 2013, and December 18, 2013. Look at this quote from the Historical Quotes tool in Schwab :

What happened between December 16, 2013, and December 18, 2013 ?

Well, a search of announcements in the period from December 16, 2013 to December 18, 2013 yields this :

FIRST FOUR PARAGRAPHS of Dakshidin Announcement on 12\17\2013 :

LAS VEGAS / December 17, 2013 / ACCESSWIRE / Mr. John A. van Arem will be stepping down as both the CEO and Chairman Dec 17th, 2013 to pursue other activities. We sincerely thank him for all his efforts. He will remain available to Dakshidin during this period of transition.
Additionally, Mr. Tom Cox resigned from his position as a director of the corporation.. The company wishes to thank Mr. Cox for all his hard work and wishes him well in his future endeavors.
Dakshidin Corporation is pleased to announce the appointment of Martin Parr to the Board of Directors. Mr. Parr holds a degree in Business Administration and Marketing from Queens University and has an extensive background in Design and Technology.
Dakshidin Corporation is also pleased to welcome Mr. J. Mark Seaton as the CEO and Chairman of the company commencing December 17th, 2013 . . . . .
<<< End of Excerpt >>>


#11222 RE: brentkosta #11209

Why compare the DKSC and M^^^ charts ?

I forgot to mention the largest connection ( I was so
busy with the historical quote connection ) --- the ob-
vious Toronto connection!

Lex van Arem, ex-CEO of DKSC is Dutch, and Dutch
people are not as hung up on Medicinal Weed as are
Americans. I know people who have gone to Holland
and partook of Weed and Hash, and other things. I
got a bottle of Absinthe fromHolland long ago. Not
much to my liking, though.

Lex ( of DKSC ) lives in Toronto, don'tcha know !

M^^^ has a Toronto address, too.

LEX -- Weed -- DKSC -- Toronto -- Weed -- M^^^.

Not too much of a stretch to connect them if you ask me !

Lex ( ex of Dakshidin ) is making the connections work !

Good for him !
