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07/24/14 8:53 AM

#25080 RE: TheFinalCD #25078

GREAT OTHM NEWS OUT..........Hammer


07/24/14 9:00 AM

#25081 RE: TheFinalCD #25078

Excellent news !


07/24/14 6:52 PM

#25110 RE: TheFinalCD #25078

VERY NICE INFO!!! $OTHM making strides in shareholder confidence!!! IMO

"The drive to grow the business is often a major culprit for micro-caps and leads many a company down the primrose path to self-destruction as they stretch out beyond the range of their grasp and enter into questionable financing practices. It is important for investors to focus on micro-caps that have shown they understand the debt/growth formula and who generally double-down from the start on creating long-term shareholder value.

The $2M financing announcement earlier this month by Oriens Travel & Hotel Management Corp. (OTC: OTHM), an emerging hotel operations facilitator with ambitions to become a top-tier hotel brand operator heavily engaged in Internet booking and marketing, offers us a good example of traditional, conservative, hard asset-based financing. Leveraging a combination of long-term equity based financing and traditional real estate loans, OTHM is fully utilizing their network of partnerships in Costa Rica to expand where the action for their business model is hot. Such adroit growth ramping, executed by a management team which is openly and publicly aware of how toxic-financing impacts shareholders and the company’s overall market presence, takes the pressure off shareholders and the share price as well.

Downward pressure on the share price and investor’s perceptions as a result of toxic financing can be lethal to a micro-cap. Such financing should be understood as essentially counter-productive to market operations."