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07/23/14 2:35 PM

#8657 RE: macberry #8656

Don't think that you have been fooled. Sphere has not released any data to support the share price and on low volume the shorts have pushed the price down as is their wont.

Behind the scenes we know that much good is being accomplished.

One substantive news release and the momentum reverses pronto.

Condolences. The endless wait does get trying but indeed masks a time one should be adding to one's position.


07/23/14 2:51 PM

#8658 RE: macberry #8656

Easy to beat oneself up when looking at trading maximization in hindsight but realize you made what you thought was the correct choice with the info you had available at that time.

We all temporarily lost a little, but what if you had sold 50% and then ANY had a big announcement, major short squeeze, dramatic price spike, and you had squandered your position in ANY for a few pennies? There are some great traders on this board, most of us are rank amateurs and who wants to screw up the golden goose investment, ANY, for any reason whatsoever?

Remember the old "pigs get slaughtered" saying in regards to investing.


07/23/14 3:50 PM

#8662 RE: macberry #8656

OK, so you haven't been paying attention and don't know what you own. That's clear!

A quick look at the 50 - 100 - 200 moving averages should give you incentive to brush up on Spiffy's future!

By the way, continual, uninterrupted, movement from bottom left to top right is good!