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07/23/14 2:32 PM

#31841 RE: GrundleHunter #31840

Did you just read what you posted? Because it reads something similar to this:

What if the stock price falls? What if it goes up? What if this is the bottom? what if the bottom is yet to be determined? If this is the bottom it's a great buy, if it's not the bottom why wouldn't I wait till it drops more?

Anybody who says with absolute certainly that they can predict a bottom or top in penny stocks is a blowhard. This is the time to accumulate shares because trading at this level is not rational and does not follow a logical system. It's based on fear and greed that is often perpetuated by pumpers and basher's, especially in a hot sector like mj/e-cigs/vaporizers. The reality is that social media has a huge influence over these stocks, and public perception is often temporarily more important than reality or fundamentals.

The only question you need to ask yourself is "would I rather pay .06 today with the chance it falls to .03, .04, .05 and I lose a small amount of money with the chance to even lower my cost basis, or wait on the sidelines and hope it doesn't shoot up to .20 cents or more in a day and be left with a sick feeling in your stomach because you missed a giant opportunity because you were quibbling over a few cents". To me it's an easy decision. Buy and accumulate now, if it goes down, buy more there at a cheaper price, if it goes up then I didn't miss the boat and feel the need to play catch up. All the preceding text assumes that you believe in the direction of the company. If not, then why waste time on this message board?

All my opinion of course.


07/23/14 2:51 PM

#31842 RE: GrundleHunter #31840

Alright swami. I will wait for you to declare when it's time to buy. Until then I will continue to read your posts about all the negative things about the company like "dror is driving a rolls royce while people are down money", " the CEO sued by a shareholder", "less than clean CEO", " and "this is falling everyday". Then state " did I say this was a bad company". I can also go to my favorite contradiction from you " NO ticker in this sector is valued properly... So prior numbers are almost meaningless". So make sure savior , let me know when I should buy.


07/23/14 2:59 PM

#31844 RE: GrundleHunter #31840

Haha if this falls another .05 then no one should be buyin this stock. Do u have any idea on how to read a chart? We are at or very close to bottom