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07/23/14 1:36 PM

#217550 RE: Zorax #217534

all-KNOW-Cosgrove-isnt sonyCEO,,,so-no-"mistakes"or-misleading-there…the-BIG question is how so MANY big names are on the NTEK resume, and NOT a ONE has dis-owned NTEK over these alliances or consultancies……….its been many months, and no "resume" disputes

so while NTEK has some systemic "excuse" problems, which go together with DF's hand in the affairs of 2013 and prior

….for 2014 and NP-1 sake, from April 2014 going forward, these NTEK claims and "projections" have a track record of dependable nature

dividend…….and "beyond reproach" SUPPY CHAIN are the immediate "proof in the pudding" for NTEK

FINANCIALS will follow if they maintain the "since April 2014" track, but those here should not expect them until absolutely needed

Foley should do his penance ( his legal gang is working very efficiently, as would mine if in same shoes ) but he can still assist whether in prison or not……

what a soap opera this is…….but NTEK has "slipped" the bonds of SCAM, to "mostly legit" if they continue to follow through on NP-1's and the dividend……….just TOO MANY resume names that endorse the NTEK connection to be a SCAM……..this was maybe a "foggy" DF game until 2014, but this worm has turned

the tough questions need to be constantly asked here, but the 2013 ones are mute


07/23/14 2:28 PM

#217573 RE: Zorax #217534

Wow, trying to play down the likes of Sony and, too funny......what is important as stated is the industry contacts and credibility it gives to NTEK as they continue to grow and expand their footprint into the 4K market. No matter how it is sliced, this is a very good thing. GL