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Big Casino 1518

07/23/14 1:22 PM

#27528 RE: rodman #27527

Chef Kukkonen's GKG™ salad greens could feed them. Maybe Carl could start a late night infomercial.

GKG™ - Set it, and forget it!

GKG™ Chia Pet - popular with the kids! You would expect to pay $29.99 in stores...but here, you will only pay $19.99!!! As an added bonus, we will include a SECOND GKG™ Chia Pet - FREE!!!!

Mexico is starving.

Unfortunately, Mexico's state owned oil business is doing well. Doubt they are interested in GKG. Might get a few worthless MOU's out of them. You know, so Carl can justify his paycheck.


07/23/14 6:36 PM

#27531 RE: rodman #27527

Mexico is starving ---- Why, they produce large amounts of oil ($$$) -- surely the government can import food. Remember the government has plenty of drug money too.

You may have used the wrong word.