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07/22/14 8:48 PM

#173848 RE: lucky, mydog #173847

The sec knows it but it is not acknowledged at Ihub... why????


07/22/14 9:09 PM

#173853 RE: lucky, mydog #173847

Read it please and tell the sec there is no such thing LOL...

Short sellers are essentially traders that are hoping a company will experience problems
(such as product delays or the inability to raise financing) so they may profit from the
setbacks. These traders or trading machines make the most if a company struggles and
goes out of business, and some short sellers actively work to make that happen.
Aggressive shorters, and short selling pools, will sometimes hire stock “bashers”, people
paid to post negative articles on blogs and message boards. Their goal is to put out
negative news on a company or its products in an effort to cause the company problems

and insure the stock declines so their negative bets pay off. Others will put up “flash
orders” advertising to sell a large number of shares in an effort to drive down the price.
Thus entrepreneurial companies not only need to fight the battles of developing new
products and markets, they have to stave off the short sellers in the meantime. This
growing culture of betting against a company for the sake of short-term trading profits
(regardless of economic consequences) has negative economic repercussions. This trend
has been fostered by: