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05/15/01 12:19 PM

#2264 RE: The Original dpb5! #2253

>>DennisKy, just an observation...<<

Well, how very observatory of you!

>>It isn't always so important that one shows their intelligence as it is to treat a fellow human being with common courtesy.<<

Agreed. Although, I might amend that to point out that, unless you show your intelligence to someone, you can't be said to really be treating them courteously. But, so? Maybe you could start with a posting directed at Neuromancer, who's the origin of much of the rancor on this board.

>>Not every human being on this planet has a full grasp of the command that words, their spelling, and their INTENT, may convey.<<

GEDOUDDAHEER!. No, you're kidding, right? Never woulda thought of that. However, I do sometimes fantasize about a wondrous world where, if you don't know that you know how to use a word appropriately, you shut up and educate yourself until you do. Or, you buy up all the Norm Crosby videos you can find and share them with your friends.

>>Puncuation, Spelling, and Articulation should be held in the very lightest of context by all who wish to converse the very complexities of life.<<

Yeah, riiiight! Now, try telling that to a law school professor who teaches Contract Law. Oh, nowwwww I get it! You are kidding around, right? That's why you've misspelled "punctuation" and misused "context" and "converse", right? Am I right? 'Cuz, I seriously disbelieve that someone who has thus far communicated as intelligently as you have can read that sentence (much less write it), understand what it's saying, and not be astonished, perhaps even appalled, by its implication. Within the context of written words, Punctuation, Spelling and Articulation are all there is to conversation, and without their proper use, you don't have a realistic hope of ever conveying the complexities of life.

>>Of course, as always, this in my own VERY VERY HUMBLE OPINION.<<

Make that very, very, very humble. Humility is so becoming on you, didja know that?