Not necessarilly to your first part. The lack of a new funding package in place could be several factors or a combination of them. Such as our board of directors waiting for a good package that doesn't give away our company or control. Also one that may not have too high of costs associated with it. Many "financiers" has lost a bundle in the telecommunications industry. Good funding will be hard to come by. Sure they will investigate us, but even with inside information and non disclosures in place the info they might get still is preliminary information meaning we have not finished our development and profit scenarios are guesstimates. Now that we have finalized our movie deal, we now have different colateral to mortgage a loan or new funding against. Still we have great debt, so there are many factors lenders will be looking at. I believe we are in good hands with Ketch and a lessor degree with Cooper in finding a new funding package.
On your second part, absolutely, they will be privy to information we don't have and they will not be "investing" in NVC, they will be expecting their money back and more...