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07/22/14 12:13 PM

#183805 RE: PhoenixRising #183804

Couldn't agree more as I have been harping on that for years.

From yesterday:

Don't you think having two prominent members added to the BOD while the company is trying to execute a phase III over a two year period would do wonders. Instead we have a consultant heading our affairs who can't even make a fiscal year CC. All imo.

If they are not partnering what is the excuse? The last trial ending with tainted data and you have three penny stock BOD members with arguably a shady history to go along with the tainted results. I believe adding members would do wonders with credibility. All imo.


07/22/14 12:17 PM

#183806 RE: PhoenixRising #183804

Yes, I posted this same though a week or two ago. A few years back they said they wanted to expand BOD as they knew it was an issue but wanted to do it when partnership done. We were led to believe that they almost did this when they were close to a partnership prior to the debacle.

If they are going to go it alone then now is the time to add a couple BOD members. Maybe Dia can put this on his list since none of the others seem to coming to fruition either.

MD, maybe in your next email to CK you can ask him about adding a couple BOD members. Also, what the shareholders should focus on now since they haven't had any needle moving news in some time including the last few events he told us to focus on.


07/22/14 12:36 PM

#183808 RE: PhoenixRising #183804

Although I am reluctant to join BOD addition discourse I am going to take a leap and propose NOW would be a good time to add 2 new members. It appears PPHM has the cash to make it to 1st look-in(and beyond?),PPHM has turned down BP offers(we think,I guess),and quite a few posters on here have thought that PPHM was NOT adding to BOD because partners would want to be involved. SO...if we are NOT partnering yet why not add 2 well-known individuals with credibility. IMO,it WILL move the PPS and receive needed attention to PPHM. JMO...thankfully everybody gets one. carpe diem PR

As someone that supports the current BoD, I will wade into this discussion.

1. All the credibility the company needs will come from whatever the NSCLC data turns up (which IMO will be very good to excellent)

2. Addition of BoD members at this point in time will maybe give it a Viagra like boost, if that. Addition of the KOL's certainly hasn't upped the share price

3. The question is what would additional BoD members contribute at this point - ability to raise money (they don't need to raise a ton of money at this point, only small amount for which they already have the vehicles - ATM & Preferred - in place

4. The Phase III is sailing along (yes even with a consultant who can't make it to CC's - one can assume he has more important things to do then blah blah on a run of the mill CC where he wouldn't have much to contribute at this stage)

I say leave the BoD as it is (for the time being - once approval is imminent and they decide t transition to a marketing company, as that time they can added more - not now) - I have a feeling CJ is going to listen to me for once ;-)


07/23/14 10:13 AM

#183935 RE: PhoenixRising #183804

Would be nice but is not going to happen anytime soon.