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07/22/14 12:23 PM

#67542 RE: Touko #67540

id like to think this is different but there is a pattern now.....change company names to "reflect current business model"
add an "advisory" position to the board, hype that person and what they bring to the table, pay them in stock never to be heard from again lol :-)

im just saying the track record on this stuff isn't very good here at all but I think we have enough info in this Pr to confirm through DD how this [if any ] could help us. it appears we bought this guy off with stock options and a board position because he already has his foot in the door in what will be a fairly competitive Nevada market.

we need to do serious DD on this guy....ive seen reference to his accomplishments and former business dealings but what has he done the last decade or so?

Did any of the 400k loan get used for this?
we have another 10-Q coming that shows nothing but expenditures...apparently agtk isn't concerned and feel they be here for the long haul.

agtk today announced the addition of Mr. Neal Bartoletta to its advisory board and through the execution of an Letter of Intent with Bartoletta and his venture Companies based in Nevada, that the partnership will include a special use permit for Agritek Holdings in Clark County, Nevada for its new cultivation and conversion facility. Mr. Bartoletta completed the presentation to the Board of Commissioners and was successful in acquiring this special use permit for its proposed Las Vegas cultivation and testing facility. The Company through this exclusive partnership will now await final State approval and will be applying for a State business license in the coming weeks