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07/22/14 11:34 AM

#234265 RE: stevelwr1 #234263

The "taxpayers" DO NOT OWN Fannie & Freddie

No matter how many times these kool aid drinking stooges repeat their BIG LIE, it does not make it true.


07/22/14 11:36 AM

#234266 RE: stevelwr1 #234263

Shareholders own FNF not taxpayers.
We are at the runway with temporary delays in returning profits to us.

We are all taxpayers yes and some of us fortunate ones are shareholders also.

Please do not confuse the two.



07/22/14 11:52 AM

#234275 RE: stevelwr1 #234263

This does not trouble me because it is more of the same misleading garbage that our elected officials have been feeding the public for a while now. Every one of them will have egg on their faces once Judge(Judy)Sweeny rules in the shareholders' favor. Only then will our elected ass wipes be forced to conceed that they are not owners but conservators and they are limited to preserving the entities. The rule of law will determine that govt. can not abuse the companies that are entrusted to them.
Until then I find it frustrating but not troubling.