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07/21/14 5:02 PM

#67526 RE: mayflyday #67525

Yep like saying you have a Top 10 bank.....its all about the story....and of course a c list celebrity....the makings of a REAL whopper


07/21/14 7:46 PM

#67535 RE: mayflyday #67525

Mayfly, as we all know, if anything is going to happen with any of the US banks, we need rescheduling. Could this be around the corner, anyone's guess...libertarian republicans are for it as are the democrats. Not difficult to see the trend at this point, so if conservatives want votes this could very well be one of the pivotal issues. Make your own assumptions, but not only do we have a social shift, but we have a new generation in political power as well. Many salty dogs have retired ... The ones barking loudest have one foot out the door and nothing to lose and are standing up for their biggest donors big alcohol, big tobacco and big pharma...people are finally starting to get this and the old stigma of marijuana is becoming a thing if the past...thank goodness