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07/21/14 1:24 PM

#29408 RE: StockSurfer88 #29404

If someone could get the Google map location for it and post it we could all potentially see if there is anything going on. The photos aren't always current however, up to 3 years old. I thought there was a way to see "real-time" but am unsure. The best way would be for someone to take a road trip and see for themselves what is at Rice #15 and update everyone here.

If something is there, and assuming the financials will come out after the maximum time allowed, we can expect around a maximum of 6 different 150 barrels of oil pickups. This is based on 10 barrels per day.

Keep in mind none of this stuff will appear on the yearly due to oil revenue being reported after May 31st.

We can only hope that something becomes from the other divisions or other good news is given before then.

Anybody notice in the abbreviations portion in the Oil & Gas operations, at the bottom there is something about Xun Oil-KY and Xun Oil-FL? Anybody know what this is? I've never heard of anything from them related to Kentucky or Florida. Of course I just noticed this myself.


07/21/14 1:53 PM

#29411 RE: StockSurfer88 #29404

First my post was talking only about SEC filing deadlines and extra extension time if required.

In regards to how it is known that revenues from Rice #15 being reported in the Aug quarterly? Easy, we already know for a fact that at least one tanker full of oil has been removed from the premise that was produced by this well. The revenues from at least that load will be reported in the August quarterly.

$$$ XNRG $$$