what did SEC do for the shareholders?
in case of FRTD they have halted the stock and when it reopened pps was a 1/4 of what it was before the halt. The co is still in business aware that their scam has to more elaborate, but in fact, they got away with it. It's like a slap on the wrist by SEC. FRTD
owners, in reality, got a pointer no to conduct their scam so blatantly.
If CVRG is running a scam how will they be punished for their actions?
a halt for few weeks or a warning don't do it again? laughable!
you as a shareholder will be punished by falling pps or by the halt.
All I'm stating is that if this buyout is legit pps should not be falling like it is. This is more in line with r/s.
Last r/s they have done, pps was falling the same way before the r/s announcement and obviously it kept on going down after.
Knowing that they already stated that r/s is positively considered
there is no surprise if they do announce that it will take place.