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07/19/14 12:20 PM

#105111 RE: mykidsare #105109

If LymPro was at any major risk; the stock price would have broken way down by now. However, as soon as investors start to see major progress in MANF; it will begin to steal the show.

Most importantly, LymPro will be a funding vehicle for MANF (I do predict the Diagnostics division will be spun or sold off to fund MANF trials in many indications too). Believe in LymPro; but I would keep expectations reasonable to how much Revenue will be booked in the early going.

Its an incredible (and well diversified company)...once in a lifetime investment here.


07/19/14 6:49 PM

#105124 RE: mykidsare #105109

78% accuracy
73% sen
81# spec

Poster three of the recent presentation.

THOSE numbers were 92% and 91% sen and spec before the patients were followed for seven years.

IF THOSE numbers had held up they would have been TRUMPETED and properly so, INSTEAD those numbers were left out of the title, the abstract, the summary and the conclusion.

THEN GC had to write a long explanation obfuscating and otherwise forgetting that the other ommissions and false claims he made for Lympro in all of the posters.

Then everyone, not knowing medicine said, ok, well, cool, GC knows what he is doing.

EVERYONE, was waiting with baited breath for those numbers. What would the sen, spec, and accuracy from the longitudinal study turn out to be.

They were trumpeted in advance by GC, and then not just ignored, but "interpreted" as positive when they make Lympro worthless.

People with these diagnoses have to be followed because while it is clear they have dementia, their dementia type is NOT always known, and the Lympro test did nothing to discern the type.

FINALLY, they ONLY tested against ONE Dementa when there are about 10 dementias.

FROM THE BEGINNING, they were trying to use Lympro for something that it was never tested against. It cannot discern ad from NON AD dementia, and it had already been proven ineffective in discerning ad from healthy patients well enough to be used in the clinic on either count.

This is totally absurd.