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07/30/14 4:53 PM

#67328 RE: space1230 #67323

Jeffrey Bruhjell certainly ran this scam for many years and regulators should review his tenure. However, Ken Ash, the former IR representative in partnership with Bruhjell, had become the court-appointed custodian in March 2012 tasked only with holding a shareholder vote for a new BOD and nothing else.

Instead of holding a shareholder meeting or proxy vote, Ken Ash took charge of the company, appointing himself President of the corporation without a vote and proceeded to take his own actions.

He changed the name twice and allowed at least two improper promotional campaigns when the company had never submitted any financial documents and was considered a "no information" pink sheet company for its entire life.

Ken Ash had been in charge of IDCN for several weeks before it was suspended by the SEC (since early March 2012, a couple of weeks before he even announced his appointment).

He did not do what the Wyoming court ordered but simply took charge.

Yes, Jeffrey Bruhjell, along with Ken Ash, should be considered culpable in the long-running IDCN scam, which Ash actively promoted for years.

However, IMO, the eventual demise of IDCN should be blamed on Ken Ash who did not follow through in complying with the Wyoming court order and the stock was suspended on 5/24/12.