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07/18/14 12:13 PM

#9280 RE: gnolfinvestor #9279

Wouldn't it be more appropriate for USPR management to to explain how accurate surveys vs core sampling is? Not sure why they wouldn't be considered more of an expert?


07/18/14 1:14 PM

#9284 RE: gnolfinvestor #9279

Lads the "market" for this stock at present amounts to a very small number of penny stock speculators who have come across this stock and invested through various means and also a couple of quack "experts", "devils advocates" and the odd "Mother Theresa" trying to save the world. There is no real "The Market" here at this stage, so that is the real reason the stock hasn't reacted rationally to any speculation etc - nobody (of real substance) knows or cares. "The Market" will become interested in this stock once reserves are proven and that's when the real game starts here, for better or for worse, I'm hoping for better. Until then it's all blah blah blah blah... Hopefully patience is rewarded, I'm hopeful.