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07/17/14 7:07 PM

#25210 RE: GaryJPalys #25208

HAHAHAHA!! I'm laughing so hard thanks Gary! Just change YUII to NEWL and China to Greece. Perfect.
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Big bucks

07/17/14 7:39 PM

#25224 RE: GaryJPalys #25208

Gary this is funny stuff, this kid is 100% correct. When Newl was dropping x 10 days in a row Nasdaq did nothing.. It goes up two days in a row, Nasdaq halts it. .wtf? Honestly, the SEC should have a dept watching Nasdaq with these type of issues....NO WAY THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN HALTED! If anyone disagrees, then it should have been halted on it's way down.. Very shady, for sure... Hope Manchester NH is treating you well.. :0)
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07/17/14 8:01 PM

#25236 RE: GaryJPalys #25208

@Gary - Hahaahah. Honestly, absolutely hysterical. I wish we had a compilation of footage from people who have made and lost money on NEWL, proportional to the actual win/loss ratio. And also I wish we could cut to the management of Newlead on their yachts, crapping themselves with disdain toward retail traders etc., ogling expeeze call-girls on the Riviera. The brokerages monitoring the dumbest trades, gathering around each others' screens to show each other, fielding phone calls from people wondering what a T12 is and when it will stop. Cut in the best and worst one-liners off iHub and Yahoo. Cut to the iHub tout sitting on his toilet eating peanut butter from the container with his thumb, his laptop on his lap, blow in the foreground at the edge of the sink. ...Cut to NEWL's candles squirting up, and nose-diving in real-time flop-sweating through the stops. Cut to a guy at the SEC, NASDAQ etc. saying: "That's it; delist this manure".

…And then finally cut to that YouTube guy going on a diatribe in an empty room in Vegas or wherever.
