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07/18/14 11:32 PM

#117424 RE: sassanb #117411

sassanb, I'm surprised that the no-bid arrived so soon since the last reverse split happened.

Based on the speed of the falling PCFG share price, the company couldn't have made very much money with their massive dilution efforts. If the company could have diluted slower and let the share price remain around a half penny, they could have brought in bundles of cash for those hundreds of millions of shares. But, no, they had to go full throttle and destroy any chance for anyone to make decent money, including themselves.

I've only seen a couple of stocks where management appears intent to obliterate their companies in so little time with multiple back to back R/Ss to squeeze out every potential investment dollar that the market can bare. Truly a sad situation for PCFG shareholders who have endured this fiasco.

Anyway, I wish better luck to those that have stuck it out thus far.

Good day to all.