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07/16/14 6:22 PM

#135262 RE: RB_79 #135261

Playing around??!! lol. Thanks for telling me RB.
Here's me speaking from the heart... ABOUT GDSM. I am confident Mike is NOT trying to scam us all. He is a business man with a business plan... no guarantee it will come to fruition, but I know he is trying. Most of my GDSM position came to me at .0001 on a whim in October/November 2013... I think GDSM was even at no bid for some of that time but for sure it was only at .0001, FLAT for 3 months in a row... dead to the world... Something told me buy a few hundred more $$ of this stock. Now I hate to admit it, but I held 6 million shares through the run to .0034 a few months ago. :( Could have had $20,000 in my pocket! And even worse I could have quadrupled my position of GDSM and still had money to play with (pay bills!), but no... greed and denial told me to HOLD ON... and now I am back to a SMALL gain... but my gut has told me the whole time... HOLD AND BUY MORE.... so if we go back to .0001 I WILL buy more, but if GDSM fails... well then you can laugh at me all you want, because I am a typical trader that might not always make the best choices. I have MUCH confidence we will easily see .0034 again by EOY, and I really think (hope) GDSM will RUN AGAIN! .034? .05? IF Mike Shea completes his mission with GDSM... I think we might even see WAY higher pps. Might take a few years but if it seems unrealistic... oh well. I am willing to not only wait and tie this little bit of money up, I am willing to spend more as I have it. Heck... I spend $500 to $1000 at Mohegan Sun every year plying the slots, and I play Power ball quite often ($8 per week?)... GDSM is MY lottery ticket! You must admit... the odds of Mike Shea making SOMETHING good happen with this company are WAY better than the odds of powerball! Thank you RB 79... I also hope WE ALL make SOME money with GDSM. Peace!! OH... and ahhhh.... GDSM TO THE MOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN!!