Mahalo Yippa Howlie!
You get that Bed & Breakfast together yet where we long holders can come luxuriate?
The MDA's long intransigence on this Phase II issue pissed me off so bad, I kissed 'em off. $975K for our own development bodes well (no wonder $10Mill kept correcting me, read the news on a break on the road, and kept trying to figure a 945K÷24 equation in my head while driving, I wouldn't got it right anyway).
I was thinking the Senate recommendation was long dead too. Hunting around tonight, there's still a lot of hope in that. Nobody seems to have done much of a diddly damn on moving to firm anti-counterfeiting measures taken by the DLA.
If you don't have a bed and breakfast, how bout just a cot and saltines? I can go low rent as well as anyone.
Glad to hear all's well in your little slice of heaven.