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07/16/14 2:14 AM

#215401 RE: Atlas1 #215399

Excellent post! I'll go with #4


07/16/14 2:44 AM

#215403 RE: Atlas1 #215399

Here, here!



07/16/14 4:23 AM

#215404 RE: Atlas1 #215399

best post ive ever read on i hub.

taking a much needed break and vacation from the markets soon as it seems many things have slowed down.

i know for a fact that i will come back to check on ntek and it will be double digits no less in a blink of an eye.

i truly believe the big time investors are just waiting on a official product rollout, sales and reviews.

with so many other 4k units failing in the marketplace, they want to be sure ntek has got what it takes to lead.

also, it IS a penny stock without audited fins, however once those come to fruition, theres no telling where this can go.

id give it a year today and these 0.077's will seem like a dreamland to those willing to buy.

to those who stuck out the relentless price manipulation, bashing, and ridiculous attempts from independent 'journalists' like hotstocked and other garbage websites.

again. great post atlas.

this actually is a home run here.

oh. and extra praise to those who bought in triple and double 0's.

you know who you are.


07/16/14 4:52 AM

#215405 RE: Atlas1 #215399

It's a scam run by a Federally Convicted Fraudster. And now it's under heavy last-ditch promotion.

Kind of obvious. Surprised you missed that bit :)


07/16/14 6:07 AM

#215407 RE: Atlas1 #215399

Great Post with total common sense. What a relief to read. NTEK is a monster in an egg. It takes a genius to realize it and NTEK was able to acquire a fine line of respected people in the tech world to come and join the party. Thank God!!!!!! NTEK long and strong and the FUTURE of TELEVISION.


07/16/14 6:35 AM

#215408 RE: Atlas1 #215399

Outstanding post!! ... More NTEK shares for me today.



07/16/14 7:21 AM

#215413 RE: Atlas1 #215399

Best post i've read on ANY BOARD in quite some time...
Direct , to the point, ON POINT, and i'm sure some "nitwit"
will attempt to tear it apart....
no worries, the same naysayers have been at this for a year and a half....
Thanks for the effort you put into this


07/16/14 7:39 AM

#215415 RE: Atlas1 #215399

Exactly :-D

Does anyone think these NTEK insiders who were 'in on The Scam' thought, 'Oh no, jig is up, our scam has been exposed on IHUB'. 'Quick, make something that looks like something and stamp 4k on it and for god sake only give, I mean sell, it to people we know and trust'. Anyone believe something like that has happened?


07/16/14 7:42 AM

#215417 RE: Atlas1 #215399

Very nice and accurate post- IMO.


07/16/14 10:13 AM

#215466 RE: Atlas1 #215399

Yes, well your questions are clear & the TRUTH is simple. Multiple
patent holders across multiple disciplines who've taken start-ups
like Roku, Netflix, Redbox, Nintendo, even Sega to HIGHER HIGHS.

Excellent U.S. & international brands like Atari, Konami, Sony
are well represented @ NanoTech; people having NOT ONLY BEEN
HIRED by Silicon Valley's NanoTech...but, as you point out:
STAYING @ NanoTech!!!

However, the goal of FRAUD DD FEIGNING HIGHER INTEREST is to
create doubt, fear, & uncertainty. Those who have been able to
conduct the DD, visit NTEK locations, meet with management, order
products, test & try them, etc. KNOW BEST!!!

NTEK is a young company located in Silicon Valley that innovates,
is growing, has an already IMPRESSIVE line-up of products from
their many partnerships & with STELLAR Management/HIRES appears
to have a VERY BRIGHT 4K Future!!!


Informative Corporate & Product Websites:
4K Studios:

Nuvola 4K Products & Solutions:
Magic Screen 3D:


NTEK Twitter:
NTEK Facebook:

Nuvola NP-1 & NP-C Facebook:
"4K Studios" Facebook:
UltraFlix Facebook:

NTEK Streaming LIVE Akamai & Orange Telecom 4K @ NAB Show!!


07/16/14 10:22 AM

#215469 RE: Atlas1 #215399

Bottom line, the NP-1 is a rehashed MOJO that is last years technology along with Ultraflix not having anything worth watching.

A few folks leaving their former jobs to work for NTEK isn't changing the outcome of NTEK's products at all...NP-1 and Ultraflix = JUNK and that's it.


07/16/14 10:34 AM

#215477 RE: Atlas1 #215399

Nice Post...Yep,I'll go with #4 too

The Nuvola NP-1.."A Standard by Which All Others Shall be Judged"


07/27/15 8:29 PM

#317401 RE: Atlas1 #215399

How many outstanding rec's would this post receive one year later at .012?
It would seem to me that even a minimal amount of due diligence into this company would or should have potential OTC Pink investors, at the very least interested. That would, in my opinion spark further interest which would lead to additional research into this company, it's products, it's quarterly earnings report, it's management and employee team that has more than quadrupled (I think - maybe more) in the past year with highly regarded industry leaders from various well known companies.

I know one thing for sure, all of these highly regarded AND ALREADY SUCCESSFUL men and women in the tech industry, wouldn't risk/sacrifice their reputation if this company were a scam. I mean, why leave an already good thing to go to work for Nanotech Entertainment if it were a scam? WHO WOULD DO THAT? But ok, lets say they were ALL duped into it. What then? Why would these same highly regarded folks stay with a company that's a scam?

1. Does anyone think these aforementioned NTEK insiders were made aware of a plan to scam penny investors out of their pennies and decided, hey, great idea, sign me up?

2. Does anyone think these folks were tricked into leaving their high paying positions or being a part of the BOD, some who were VPs and/or co-founders of billion dollar companies, to come to NTEK only to find out it was a scam but decided to stay anyway and make the best of it because, hey, what else are they going to do now?

3. Does anyone think these NTEK insiders who were 'in on The Scam' thought, 'Oh no, jig is up, our scam has been exposed on IHUB'. 'Quick, make something that looks like something and stamp 4k on it and for god sake only give, I mean sell, it to people we know and trust'. Anyone believe something like that has happened?

4. Or is it possible that these highly regarded, high tech, successful, gurus in their fields have recognized an opportunity to be a part of something big, really big, the 4K Ultra HD revolution.

It's been mentioned here before, but it's worth mentioning again. How'd Mark Cuban make his billions? He was in on the transition from analog tv to hdtv when it was NADA, nothing, zippo, zilch and cost a fortune just for the tv, thats how he did it. OH yea, another thing to consider. At that time, there was virtually zero HD programming available, sound familiar?

4K Ultra HD television is a natural progression from standard HD. It's like cd's were to old vinyl records. Lets face it, there will ALWAYS be critics to emerging technologies, ALWAYS!!! The question is, as an investor, what side of that coin do you want to be on?

To own a piece of the world's first and only streaming 4K Ultra HD company, Right now, Today, you'll have to invest...wait for it...OMG, the suspense.......a dime! Actually, a little less, 23% less to be exact, .077 cents. At a dime, you would have earned 23% on your money.

So, if I happened across NTEK in penny, penny, pink, land, after doing my DD and noting it's not a thinly traded stock, doesn't have a bazillion and a half shares outstanding, IS NOW already profitable and pays a dividend with massive forecasted growth in the 4K Ultra HD industry....WHAT??? Profitable AND pays a dividend? Must be some misprint, scam or it's really $7.77 pps, right? Negative, no misprint, no scam, it's really .077 cents pps, is profitable and pays a dividend. Not even going to mention the stock buyback because it's almost too much for a newbie like me to absorb right now. Yes, I believe I'd add it to my portfolio.

I think NTEK is one of the best if not The best OTC penny stock with the upside potential that will make it's stock chart look like MT. Everest compared all others. Easy DD can be done by going to Best Buy or any major electronic retailer or just go to their online sites and see where the tv market is headed. Buyers need content and Nanotech is there and will continue to be there with its ever expanding (daily) library of native 4k content. Today, right now, July 16, 2014, Nanotech is the largest 4K Ultra HD content provider on the planet. Nanotech can stream this content today through it's NP-1 to your 4K set via UltraFlix. NOBODY ELSE, NO OTHER COMPANY on PLANET can do that, NOBODY! Google '4K fails, streaming' or something like that and see what you get. Nanotech's NP-1 and UltraFlix channel can stream visually lossless 4K video at an average of 6Mb/s, which is now common for most broadband Internet users. Once again, No one else can do that, No other company on the face of the planet currently offers a product that does that, period!

Still think NTEK is a 'scam'? Or, still have concerns about risking .07 & 3/4 cents per share? If so, maybe you'd be better off investing in 7 dollar per share companies on the NASDAQ or the NYSE or just stuffing your nickels in your mattress or maybe putting in them back in your piggy bank.

NTEK..... .077 cents pps....GET SOME!!!