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07/15/14 6:30 PM

#225387 RE: Dale C #225386

what? is Wall Street there in Houston?


07/15/14 6:55 PM

#225399 RE: Dale C #225386

Sorry your neighborhood has such a low quality breed of panhandlers. There were a bunch of panhandlers hanging out near the WalMart entrance and everyone gave them food! They didn't stick around long.

Why don't you contact your legislators about passing a bill to outlaw panhandling?

Louisiana About To Make It Illegal For Homeless People To Beg For Money
A new bill to outlaw panhandling is quickly moving its way through the Louisiana legislature. HB 1158 would criminalize solicitation, making it a misdemeanor punishable with a maximum fine of $200 and up to six months in jail. The bill is targeted not just at panhandlers, but hitchhikers and those engaged in prostitution as well.

Cities crack down on panhandling

Cities across the USA are stepping up efforts to restrict panhandling, especially in downtown shopping areas.

In the past year, more than a dozen municipalities — from Olympia, Wash., to Orlando — have passed or strengthened such ordinances.