Do ya really think that APT went public to take care of the FROZ shareholders, who were looking to ride the merger into the sunset (i wouldn't have minded).. what makes you think they'd rather put the short-term-profit visions of those investors ahead of their own need to pay down debt and improve the company's balance sheet moving forward?
APT didn't merge into FROZ to make the existing FROZ shareholders IMMEDIATELY wealthy... seems like you're hurt, upset and offended that APT management didn't come into this deal debt free, and thus, didn't bring your anticipated gains.
But, your bashing of this company NOW will not effect where we will be in the future, which is when myself and many longs expect to be invested and pulling down profits. The irrefutable FACT remains: there are APT products in stores across the country and spreading worldwide, and that is FAR more than you can say for 99% of stocks on the pinksheets.. Can you refute that? Following your attempt, my next posting tomorrow will include a personal photo of APT products for retail sale.