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07/15/14 2:12 PM

#158490 RE: cashclan #158488

ENTI: SO HERE'S A QUESTION SIMILIAR TO THE CWIR QUESTION: Do we now have National Properties Trust AND a subsidiary NPT Operating Company?

"Business Description
National Properties Trust (formerly Encounter Development Technologies, Inc.) is a Colorado corporation that is engaging in the business of commercial and residential real estate development, ownership, and development. In addition, through its totally held subsidiary NPT Operating Company, the Company will own and manage select boutique hotels, restaurants, and bars. Initially, the Company's focus will be to acquire properties in the Western United States."

1. When did that happen?
2. Is National Properties Trust a Holding Company for NPT Operating Commpany....or WHAT?
3. Will this 'holding company' MERGE with the CWIR holding company? OR WILL ENTI be THE 'holding' company OVER all of this? Or possibly vice versa?
4. What happens to the share structures if that happens.
5. Are any of these 'properties' already in 'our' under NPT? I know that Hudson said that they would all be new...but could we be bringing in some 'former' properties.
7. WHY NO FILINGS ON NPT like with saw with FUZZNBUZZ & THEIR PHARMA? I could have missed them...did anyone see them?

This all seems VERY similar to the CWIR plan. It also seems very similar to past Hudson/Grande plans. Good/Bad...who knows.

Any further thoughts by anyone?