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07/14/14 3:18 PM

#77342 RE: spacehc #77334

the "d/d" tells you whatever you want to hear...dont confuse whispers and rumors with "d/d"..

somebody's wife talked to a senator at a

someone's cousin talked to someone who works at warwick, yada yada..

nothing but pink sheet bs that they want to pass off as "d/d"...


07/14/14 7:28 PM

#77359 RE: spacehc #77334

Brilliant deduction spacehc. You are making the correct decision buying more KBLB. Do not let anyone change your mind or scare you. KBLB is the real deal, and it will be gigantic. I am a total KBLB fanatic!

I keep selling other things to buy more KBLB. Tomorrow is no different. :-)