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07/12/14 8:13 PM

#167073 RE: peafunke #167071

I like to see different point of views and thank you for the post.

While none of us wanted additional shares to be issued regardless if one or a year or even two down the road I suppose the question is like to think most of us asked ourselves after the announcement was how else could we have paid for an A list or two endorsements and still follow through on product launch and all the miscellaneous fees associated with just two million dollars?

Assuming we truly get an A lister or two it would be terrible to just do web ads or radio ads. Tv ads is the goal I'm assuming and sadly that's not cheap.

I have limited knowledge regarding this but one of my previous employers did radio advertisements and it cost him a few grand if memory serves but that was also for the radio people to show up at the business and do a live show as well.

Tv ads cost about 2-3 times as much as radio and this is based off info from over ten years ago. Maybe the prices have went down? Assume they've went up due to costs of HD streaming and increased demand for commercial slots.

So let's say we give each celeb (figures are off top of my head) five million in restricted stocks each with incentive that it could double or more in a year. Well we still have to pay a marketing company write and direct the commercials and then we have to pay the broadcasters to televise X amount of times on certain stations. This is overlooking the money we will or already paid for demographic research and targeted channels and programs to air our commercials for. The marketing company may take care of that last part.

Anyways I know only a little about that as I had some college classes that touched briefly on that and some experience via previous employers. Times no doubt have probably changed

My point is I doubt we could have truly afforded anything better with a budget of two to four million currently and if we had not done this then any celeb endorsement would have been delayed well into next year. There's always an upside and a downside.

Personally I think they have the financial breathing room to pull out all the stops and as they've stayed the companies future comes first then the shareholders.
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07/12/14 8:28 PM

#167078 RE: peafunke #167071

couldnt agree with you more!

we've already the debt reduction, management keeping it's filings and PRs current, hiring a marketing firm after before and after product launches.

like you said the mine boat has been prepped, shipped, and ready to be kicked into full throttle.